GNEX 2024 Conference, Miami Beach, Florida


“I got to meet lots of wonderful people. I’m talking to people here who make decisions and run their companies. Theres no question about it I’ve made some valuable relationships here.”

Mark Moseson, JSPA, Poconos Resort.

“I took away a lot of information that made me think a little bit more from the standpoint of maybe there’s some other ways of doing things. I recommend anyone in the industry to come.”

Rebecca Currier, Area VP Sales and Marketing, Marriott Vacation Worldwide.

I think the way the networking is set up it gives you opportunity… this is heads and tails the convention to go to because you get things done.

Curtis Knipe, Corporate Director, Timeshare Division, El Cid Vacations Club.

“Where else can you have your brand sitting next to the biggest names in the industry. It is priceless to have that type of exposure.”

Jonathan Stoker, CEO, Vacation Ownership Advisor.

The presentations are amazing here, there’s always some take aways. It can be something for professional growth or personal growth. The sessions are very informative and educational.

Ericka Schwarm, VP Business Dev, Concord Servicing.

“The people that come to this conference generally are in positions to make decisions and actually get some business done.”

Warren Smith, Executive VP, Living Water Resorts.