Concord Servicing has been a trusted partner to the vacation ownership industry for over three decades, providing industry-leading expertise in collections, compliance, and cutting-edge financial technologies. With a focus on innovation and client success, Concord has consistently delivered tailored solutions that empower developers to maximize efficiency, ensure compliance, and enhance the borrower experience.
In 2024, Concord entered a transformative phase under the ownership of GTCR, a prominent private equity firm. With Dhruv Vakharia at the helm, an executive with over two decades of experience in financial services, Concord is strategically positioned for significant growth and innovation. While maintaining its strong foundation in the vacation ownership industry, Concord leverages its expertise across various industry verticals to implement best practices and advanced technologies for the benefit of its timeshare clients. By prioritizing strategic investments and product enhancements, Concord continues to lead the way in loan and maintenance fee servicing and additional financial solutions, setting new standards of excellence.
Tailored Solutions for Every Client’s Needs Concord’s service model is highly adaptable, offering solutions that are specifically configured to meet the unique needs of each client and market. Whether a developer requires:
• Full-Service Loan and Maintenance Fee Servicing Solution: Concord utilizes technology solutions to perform all aspects of servicing on client’s behalf, including customer account services.
• Hybrid Solution: Client utilizes Concord technology solutions to perform most aspects of servicing and Concord performs some services (receivables management, reporting, etc.).
• SaaS Solution: Client utilizes Concord technology solutions to self-manage servicing with internal staff.
• Backup Servicing: Concord’s reliable infrastructure stands ready to support developers whenever needed, ensuring business continuity.
Expert Knowledge in Compliance and Regulation Navigating the complexities of state and federal regulations can be daunting for any developer. Concord’s deep expertise in compliance ensures that all loan and maintenance fee servicing communications, data storage, and financial transactions adhere strictly to legal standards. This proactive approach protects clients from potential litigation and costly fines, offering unparalleled peace of mind.
Innovative Technology Enhancing Efficiency and Borrower Experience Concord leverages industry-leading technologies to streamline operations and improve the borrower experience. Key technological features include:
• Genesys Integration: A world-class cloud contact center solution that offers seamless campaign integration, real-time performance monitoring, and omnichannel contact handling.
• 24/7 Borrower Access: Borrowers enjoy the convenience of accessing payment information, updating contact details, and managing payment methods anytime, anywhere.
• Advanced Analytics and Reporting: Clients can generate customized reports with intuitive dashboards that offer both high-level insights and detailed trend analysis.
These technologies not only enhance operational efficiency but also strengthen borrower satisfaction and retention—a critical factor in the competitive vacation ownership market.
Comprehensive Collection Services with Blackwell Recovery When developers require advanced collection solutions, Concord’s in-house collections company, Blackwell Recovery, provides compassionate and effective debt recovery services. Blackwell’s approach balances maximizing debt recovery with maintaining positive customer relationships, ensuring that borrowers’ experiences remain respectful and supportive.
Transparent Reporting and Analytics Concord’s real-time reporting and analytics tools are unmatched in the industry. Clients gain access to best practices and toolsets that transform payment-processing functions and improve portfolio performance. Customizable reporting options allow developers to visualize historical and current trends, providing actionable insights that drive strategic decision-making.
Cutting-Edge Document Custody Solutions Concord’s commitment to security and efficiency extends to its document management solutions. Through its eDocs and digital tools, clients can store documents securely in a cloud-based eVault. These systems save time and money while ensuring full compliance with regulatory requirements, offering both physical and digital custody options tailored to client preferences.
A Dedicated Team Driving Client Success At the heart of Concord’s success is its people. The Concord team brings a wealth of experience from the vacation ownership industry and other verticals, offering clients unparalleled expertise and support. The company’s client-first philosophy ensures that every decision and innovation is driven by a commitment to client growth and success.
Impact on the Vacation Ownership Industry Concord Servicing’s contributions to the vacation ownership industry extend far beyond its core services. By integrating advanced technologies, maintaining rigorous compliance standards, and fostering positive borrower relationships, Concord empowers developers to focus on their core business objectives. The company’s solutions drive improved portfolio performance, enhanced borrower satisfaction, and long-term client success.
In conclusion, Concord Servicing’s industry-leading solutions, unwavering commitment to compliance, and innovative technologies make it the undisputed leader in financial services for the vacation ownership industry. The company’s ability to adapt, innovate, scale, and deliver results positions it as the clear choice for the 2025 GNEX Award in the category of Best Overall Company.